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Vidalia Library
Sunday: Closed
Swainsboro Library
Sunday: Closed

Library Guide

Library Rules

  • Please keep excessive noise to a minimum; others are trying to concentrate.
  • Cell phones should be set to silent. Cell phone conversations should be conducted outside the building.
  • Since this library is considered a place of work, children are not allowed in the library.
  • Food or drinks are not allowed in the library.
  • Magazines and newspapers are not to be removed from the library. A library assistant will be happy to assist you in making copies of anything you need for school.
  • Please see a staff member when the equipment in the library is not working properly. Do not attempt to work on equipment.
  • Personal CD’s, other than those related to classwork, are not allowed on the computers.
  • Headphones must be used for music or sound. The volume must be low enough so others can’t hear it.
  • Be considerate of others.

Checking out books

  • The STC Library has a collection of over 19,000 books and manuals. You can check them out for 3 weeks at a time. A student ID is required. Books are only checked out to currently registered students.
  • A late charge of $0.10 per day will be charged each day past the due date. Overdue notices are sent out monthly. After the 4th notice, a hold is placed on a student’s BANNER account. In order to lift the hold, the student must do one of two things: Return the book to the library or pay the library the replacement cost of the book plus $10.00.
  • Any item that is lost or damaged beyond repair while circulating will result in a replacement cost plus $10. Books are replaced with the current edition. Students that vandalize or steal library materials may be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Library staff will mail any circulating item in the Library to off-campus students who are currently registered and without holds on their Banner account. The student is responsible for returning the items to the Library. All other fees and fines are the same as those on campus. The student should contact the library for this service.
  • The library gratefully accepts suggestions for book purchases from faculty, staff, and students. The library reserves the right to limit purchases to materials related to the curriculum or otherwise deemed appropriate.
  • STC is a member of the Georgia OnLine Database (GOLD). This allows students and faculty to access materials at other libraries. Contact the library staff for assistance.

Computers & Printing

  • Computers are available in the library with a wide variety of software applications.
  • When a class reserves the library or lab, you may continue to work on your computer as long as there are enough computers for the class.
  • Also, the library has wireless access. Students are encouraged to bring their laptops that have wireless capabilities.
  • A student must use his/her student id number and password to login to any campus computer.
  • Printing and copying are free and for academic purposes only.


Projectors, TV/DVD, laptops, digital cameras can be checked out for academic use. Some equipment is limited to faculty/staff use.

Special Needs

  • Some computers in the library are equipped with attachments to assist people with visual impairments.
  • Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Director of Library Services privately to discuss specific needs. Requests for assistance or advice about access will be dealt with on an individual basis in consultation with the Special Needs Office if appropriate.

How to Find Books using Library of Congress

  • STC Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) classification system to organize its materials. You can think of a call number as a book's address on the shelf. The first line in a Library of Congress call number classifies the item by its subject according to the LC Classification System.
  • LC call numbers are first arranged alphabetically, according to the letter or letters at the beginning of the call number, which corresponds to the subject matter of the item.
  • Example: Call numbers beginning with P are followed by PA, PB, PC, etc. Within the alphabetical section, books are arranged by the number(s) that follow. Notice that these numbers are regarded as whole numbers. For instance, PS 345 comes before PS 1200
  • Example: QA 56 before QA 234 before QA 234.57 before QA 234.8
  • Editions are often arranged by date or by the date and letters.
  • Example: PS 3525 .I52 1971 before PS 3525 .I52 1973 before PS 3525 .I52 1973a

Glossary of Library Terms

  • APA Style of Documentation - The American Psychological Association (APA) is an organization that sets standards for recording your sources when you write a paper. If your instructor tells you that you must write your paper in APA Style, you need to come to the library and look at the Publication Manual of the APA to learn how to set up your paper and cite your sources of information.
  • Bibliography - A list of citations to books, articles or other items used in research on a particular subject; usually listed at the end.
  • Call Number - A combination of letters and numbers used to place a book or periodical in its proper place on the shelf.
  • Citation - All of the information needed to identify your sources of information. Most often, citations refer to books or articles, but they can identify videos, live interviews, radio programs, and much more.
  • Database - A collection of information organized and presented to serve a specific purpose. Some examples are: telephone books, MEDLINE (the National Library of Medicine’s database) and the Georgia Business Directory
  • GALILEO - GALILEO stands for GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online. It is a collection of web-based databases that allows students in Georgia to research almost any topic from their computers.
  • InterLibrary Loan (ILL) - This allows students and faculty to access materials at other participating libraries.
  • Journal - A scholarly magazine which is usually read by people in a particular profession or academic subject area. Journal articles are based upon research and usually have extensive footnotes and bibliography.
  • Keyword - When you perform a search in a large database, the system will usually look only for keywords. That is words that identify an entry or set it apart from the others. Words such as “the,” “of,” and “for” are not keywords and are usually dropped from the search. Most often, you need to type in only keywords to find what you are looking for.
  • Library of Congress (LC) Classification System - A system using a combination of letters and numbers to indicate the subject content of library materials. Materials are shelved by the call numbers of the LC classification system. Most academic libraries use LC classification system while most public libraries use the Dewey decimal classification system.
  • Magazine - A popular periodical usually read for pleasure or for keeping up with current events. Magazine articles usually do not contain footnotes or bibliographies.
  • MLA Style of Documentation - The Modern Language Association (MLA) is an organization that sets standards for recording your sources when you write a paper. If your instructor tells you that you must write your paper in MLA Style, you need to come to the library and look at the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers to learn how to set up your paper and cite your sources of information.
  • Periodical - A general term referring to any publication that is published at regular intervals of time: weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.

Cooperative Library Agreements

Through cooperative library agreements, STC students may check out items from other colleges. These formal agreements have required policies and procedures to follow.
STC has established cooperative library agreements with:
East Georgia College
All other TCSG college libraries
In order to check out items from these colleges, students need a Southeastern Tech Student ID and evidence that they are currently enrolled at Southeastern Tech. A copy of their current schedule of classes is sufficient. Southeastern Tech students are required to abide by all lending policies in place at these other institutions and are responsible for all fines and fees incurred for overdue, lost, or damaged books. Failure to settle outstanding accounts may initiate a local hold on financial aid, grades, and graduation status.

Library Skills Assignment

This Library Skills Assignment will help the student to become more aware of the resources offered in the library, which in turn will promote improved research.

Library Skills Assignment PDF


Copyright Resources

Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon as an author fixes the work in a tangible form of expression. In copyright law, there are a lot of different types of works, including paintings, photographs, illustrations, musical compositions, sound recordings, computer programs, books, poems, blog posts, movies, architectural works, plays, and so much more!