Bloom's Literature

Bloom's Literary Reference Online features hundreds of essays examining the lives and works of great writers throughout history and the world, as well as thousands of critical articles by noted scholars from the Bloom's Literary Criticism imprint. With an archive of more than 42,000 characters and extensive entries on literary topics, themes, movements, and genres, the database contains thousands of entries and almost 170 video segments. The "Bloom's How to Write about" section contains essays on how to write about literature, including crafting strong thesis statements and conclusions, writing outlines, properly citing sources, and sample essay topics. Links for popularly assigned authors list essays about the authors and their works. "How to Cite" guidance includes full citations in MLA, Chicago, and APA style, and the dictionary tool allows users to look up more than 34,000 words. Author biographies link to a list of major works, and works are linked to a list of principal characters.